Church Planting Hub in the Caucasus Region
Multiply the work of missionaries around the region ($120,000 needed).
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This region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea has been dominated by Soviet Russia and Islam for the past century. Conflict is almost constant. Americans face tight restrictions and even violence if they try to enter as missionaries. Yet the Gospel is advancing through the work of native missionaries. They can travel across borders, they understand the local languages, and they share a common history and culture. In the past six years our local network of missionaries has planted more than 60 churches in the region, and even in neighboring Iran. Today, 157 unreached people groups wait to hear the Gospel, and we aim to start a church for each one by 2030!
This new church planting hub will provide secure space for training, administrative work, conferences, and more. Part of the building can eventually be used as rental space to earn income for missions. You can help multiply the efforts of these fruitful missionaries! The total needed is $120,000.